Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Respond Jokowi Serious Candidate Recommendation 46 The name of the Minister of Slank

Joko Widodo presidential candidates take serious recommendation 46 the name of the music group Slank proffered to fill the cabinet .

" Yes , seriously dong , all I mean it 's responded . Whatever we check for sure , " said Jokowi after attending the National Meeting and Mukernas NU 's Women in East Jakarta , Wednesday ( 28/05/2014 ) afternoon .

Jokowi assess ministerial candidate names that have a strong commitment and integrity . " My check names good , really , " said Jokowi .
( Read: kicauan murai batu )

He asserted that the names of the new ministers will be discussed when he and Jusuf Kalla was elected president and vice president .

Jokowi has set the criteria for who is suitable to fill the seat of certain ministers .

In a meeting with Jokowi , Tuesday ( 27/05/2014 ) yesterday , Slank personnel recommend names of the characters to put in the cabinet Jokowi , if later elected president of Indonesia .

Slank also gives hope to the Jokowi seven . Slank declared neutral and not directing fans to choose Jokowi or another candidate .


Monday, May 26, 2014

Even Swaying Together Prabowo supporters of Maluku

Presidential candidate Prabowo fun rocking along with his supporters joined in the Maluku Muslim Youth Front ( FPMM ) in Polonia House , East Jakarta , Monday ( 26/05/2014 ) afternoon .

Prabowo is also accompanied by party officials supporting him , are absorbed in the rhythm of traditional Moluccan song titled " Wait for Beta Maluku " sounding cheerful . One of the common people of Maluku artist and comedian Jaja Miharja become singers.

At first glance , it looks quite flexible Prabowo wobble and no less than citizens of Maluku or any other Gerindra officials .
( Read: perajin sangkar )

Previously , the event was opened with a declaration of support from FPMM to Prabowo . Chairman FPMM Key Umar , said he supports with his partner Hatta Rajasa Prabowo believing they can bring Indonesia to be better . " They're the vice - presidential candidate who has a proven commitment , vision and mission and commitment . Religious military and civilian nationalist ideal , " said Umar .

After the declaration , Prabowo was asked to give an opening speech . Prabowo old enough to talk , especially about Maluku and East Indonesia . Then Prabowo was also closed his speech by asking the representatives of the people of Maluku to sing .

" People are usually smart singing eastern Indonesia . If baseball can sing , do not admit people of eastern Indonesia , " Prabowo said .

" Do not get lost in the Eastern Indonesian Betawi people ( Jaja Miharja ) , " joked .


Friday, May 23, 2014

Bodies Found Floating in Pool Fishing

A resident in the city of Palu , on Saturday , was found drowned in a fishing pond belonging to residents in the Village of South Tatura .

Chairman of RW 01 Sub South Tatura , Welem Tambing , said victims named Son ( 42 ) , resident of RT 03 RW Mouse Deer Road 01 , South Tatura found to be floating in the pool . Residents then reported the discovery of the corpse police station .

'' The police who came to the scene found no suspicious signs that the cause of death of the victim so that the victim's body immediately handed over to the family , '' said Welem .
( Read: harga kroto )

Welly , one of the victim's family in case the scene (TKP ) , said the victim on Friday ( 23/4 ) out of the house around 11:00 pm with no known purpose .

Due to evening the victim had not come , said Welly , the family decided to look even check into a hospital .

" Who knew there was nothing the victim and was taken to the hospital , " he said .

However , the family was shocked on Saturday morning when I heard the news that there is a dead body floating in a pond so that they come to see the corpse.


Thursday, May 22, 2014

Police: There is a small-time dealers at the disco Stadium

Police find possible drug dealers in the disco Stadium . It was discovered after police inquiry held behind closed doors .

" There is a small-time hustler in the entertainment places in his pocket which there are 10 to 20 ecstasy pills , " said Head of Public Relations Jakarta Police , Sr. Comr Rikwanto , Thursday ( 22/05/2014 ) .

Rikwanto said police were searching for the alleged employee disco party dealers .

It follows the discovery of 4500 ecstasy pills , methamphetamine and package types Beretta firearm manufacturer in one of the lockers in the discotheque .

" We 're looking for the individual employees who finished the hustler discotheques , " he said .

Examination , said Rikwanto , have been made to guard the discotheque . Will possibly carried out an examination of the management of the other nightclubs , including top and middle level management .

Previously , Bripda JVG ( 22 ) , members of the unity of South Minahasa district police dies in hospital Husada West Jakarta .

The victim suspected overdose while in discotheques Stadium , Taman Sari , West Jakarta .

According to Rikwanto , this time disco was closed by Jakarta Provincial Government through the Department of Tourism and Culture .


Wednesday, May 21, 2014

KPK Soon Check Sutan Bhatoegana

Corruption Eradication Commission plans to examine the Chairman of Commission VII of the House of Representatives Sutan Bhatoegana in the near future . Sutan are suspects in the alleged acceptance of gifts or promises related to the discussion of the state budget revenue expenditure changes ( Revised ) at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources , 2013.

" The investigation is planned in the near future , " KPK chairman Abraham Samad said via text message received by journalists on Wednesday ( 05/21/2014 ) .

About when Sutan be arrested , Abraham said that the detention process will be done if filing a case Sutan nearing completion .
( Read: burung pentet gacor )

Commission announced the establishment of Sultan as a suspect in the May 14, 2014 . Sutan alleged to Article 12 letter a or b or Article 11 and Article 12 B of Law on Corruption Eradication in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code to - 1 . It is not known how the value of money allegedly received Sutan related to this case .

In the ruling SKK former Chief Oil and Gas , Rudi Rubiandini , on 29 April, the judges said , Rudi has handed 200,000 dollars to Sutan Bhatoegana . The money is part of the bribe given by the Commissioner Kernel Oil , Pte , Ltd , Simon Tanjaya to Rudi Gunawan . Bribes given through Deviardi Simon .

In the trial -related information also appeared receipt of money by Rudi , partly because she was urged to help the Secretary General of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Waryono Karno in smoothing the EMR budget discussion in the House of Representatives Commission VII .


Monday, May 19, 2014

Hundreds of Blockade Road to Cikeas

Hundreds of residents of the two villages, the Village and Village Tlajug Udik Cicadas , as well as the labor and transportation drivers , blocked the highway linking the region to the Cicadas Cikeas , Monday ( 19/05/2014 ) .

The road blockade due to the slow pace of road repairs carried out by the government . In fact , the protesters had seized a container that would cross the road .

Aditya , one of the residents who participated march , said she demanded the government to repair the road .

"We have several times asked the government for road conditions here immediately repaired . But , we never heard a complaint . Today, we did a road blockade in protest against the government , " he said .
( Read: cara mengobati kenari yang sakit )

The demonstrators threatened , if there is no response from the government , they will hold a similar action with a mass greater .

Not only did the road blockade , the protesters also crucify cars and public transportation planting banana trees and sowing seeds of catfish in the middle of the road puddle .

The demonstration that lasted for several hours is also time to make jams long enough and a spectacle citizens who crossed the region .


Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Sutan Bhatoegana So Suspect, This Comments SBY

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, who is also Chairman of the Democratic Party suddenly comment on the determination of the Democratic Party , Sutan Bhatoegana , as a suspect in the president's office , Wednesday ( 14/05/2014 ) .

Sutan a suspect in a case of alleged corruption in the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources state budget changes in 2013 .

When the President was standing outside the presidential reception room . He was waiting for the presence of Golkar Party Chairman Aburizal " Ical " Bakrie . While waiting for it , the President was talking with reporters .
( Read: pakan burung kacer )

"What's new ? " he asked .

" Sutan Bhatoegana , sir , are a suspect , how ? " said one journalist .

The President also had silent . He then answered briefly .

" Normative course , we respect the existing legal process . Anyone , of any party , is not unique and many are like that , " the president said .

Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission establishes the House of Representatives Commission VII Sutan Bhatoegana as suspects in the alleged corruption related to changes in the State Budget ( Budget ) in the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources in 2013 .

Sutan allegedly received gifts or promise relating to the discussion of the changes in the state budget ( read : Set Sutan Bhatoegana KPK as a suspect ) .


Sunday, May 4, 2014

Dahlan Encourage SOEs Develop Tourism in Anambas

SOE Minister Dahlan Iskan will visit the Natuna Islands and Isle Anambas to explore the possibility of making the island a tourist destination of international scale .

" Monday ( 05/05/2014 ) , I would go to Anambas to survey proves what the area is really beautiful , as pointed out a number of circles, not inferior to the beauty of Bali Island , " said Dahlan , said after the SOE Ministry Leaders Meeting , in Building Jasindo , Jakarta , last week .
( Read: ciblek sawah )

During the visits, Dahlan will lead and three Faced Islam namely SOE President PT Hotel Indonesia Natour Katoppo Diamond , president of PT Adhi Karya Tbk Kiswodarmawan , Director of PT Wijaya Karya Tbk Star Perbowo .

"I intentionally brought SOE 's to see first hand , what could possibly be realized to develop and manage hotels and various tourist facilities duna scale there, " said Dahlan .

Former PLN President Director adds , Anambas that a region closer to Singapore , Malaysia , Thailand and Vietnam . "If it can be feasible to be developed and we will direct the expansion of state-owned enterprises in Anambas , because the islands there is very strategic , " he said.

COMPASS / SRI fortune Some students sitting on the stairs waiting for the speed boat that would take them to school on the other side Siantan Island , Anambas Islands regency , Riau Islands , on Thursday ( 11/28/2013 ) . Speed ​​boat ride fare previously paid by the school .
Of course , more Dahlan , the desire is in line with the Directorate of Offshore Marine and Small Islands , Ministry of Fisheries and Marine , which developed tourist regions like gususan Pari Island , Raja Ampat Islands , and including Anambas Islands . " Anyway whatever it was , hopefully Indonesia is an archipelago that can beat the popularity of the Maldives , " he said.

In order to realize the program would not be able to individually but should collaborate with relevant ministries . " Do we go after people . Could we left there. Not only that, if not managed , it is possible that the islands disappear or become disputes with neighboring countries , " he said.

Matter of time , Dahlan added , if it can be moved as soon as possible so it does not always run deep in the discourse .


Thursday, May 1, 2014

Activity Status Soputan Also Rise "Standby"

Three volcanoes in North Sulawesi present status " Standby " , after the volcano status Soputan in South Minahasa raised on Thursday ( 05/01/2014 ) . Two other mountain status " Standby " in the province is Mount Karangetang on Siau island and Mount Lokon in Tomohon .

Officers Soputan Volcano Monitoring Post , Sandy Manengkey , said activity status Soputan volcano rising from " Alert " to " Standby " on May 1, 2014 at 11:00 pm . The previous status of "Alert " mountain is valid from June 14, 2013 .
( Read: burung master )

" The results of monitoring volcanic activity Soputan visually observed a white puff of smoke crater high to moderate with 50 to 100 meters above the summit , " said Sandy , Friday ( 02/05/2014 ) .

On Thursday , Sandy continued , Soputan has increased the number of earthquake avalanches , earthquakes gust , and volcanic earthquakes . The increase in activity was observed since 30 April 2014 .

Head of the North Sulawesi Provincial Disaster Penangulangan , Noldy Liow , while not asking people to move within a radius of 6.5 kilometers from the summit of Mount Soputan . " But people do not need to evacuate , " he said .

In Disaster Prone Region 3 Soputan are 568 inhabitants , while in KRB 2 599 inhabitants there . The two villages closest to the peak Soputan is Maliku Village and Tower City in South Minahasa .

Meanwhile , Mount Karangetang has a status of " standby " since 3 September 2013 and Mount Lokon since July 27, 2011 . At the moment there are six Indonesian volcano with volcano activity status of these three levels .

In addition to the three mountain in North Sulawesi , three other mountain kegunungapiannya activity status " Standby " is Mount Slamet in Central Java , Mount Rokatenda in East Nusa Tenggara , and Sinabung in North Sumatra . As for the 19 other active volcanoes in Indonesia also bersatus "Alert " , one level below the " Standby " .
