Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Respond Jokowi Serious Candidate Recommendation 46 The name of the Minister of Slank

Joko Widodo presidential candidates take serious recommendation 46 the name of the music group Slank proffered to fill the cabinet .

" Yes , seriously dong , all I mean it 's responded . Whatever we check for sure , " said Jokowi after attending the National Meeting and Mukernas NU 's Women in East Jakarta , Wednesday ( 28/05/2014 ) afternoon .

Jokowi assess ministerial candidate names that have a strong commitment and integrity . " My check names good , really , " said Jokowi .
( Read: kicauan murai batu )

He asserted that the names of the new ministers will be discussed when he and Jusuf Kalla was elected president and vice president .

Jokowi has set the criteria for who is suitable to fill the seat of certain ministers .

In a meeting with Jokowi , Tuesday ( 27/05/2014 ) yesterday , Slank personnel recommend names of the characters to put in the cabinet Jokowi , if later elected president of Indonesia .

Slank also gives hope to the Jokowi seven . Slank declared neutral and not directing fans to choose Jokowi or another candidate .


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