Thursday, March 13, 2014

Social supports for killing wintering geese Overijssel

Zwolle - For Friday opinion expressed by the wildlife management unit ( FBE ) in Overijssel deputy Hester Maij about goose management, including the killing of geese in the winter , each lacking social support . Preservation of Nature , BirdLife Netherlands and support the Forestry Commission and ask advice not to stick to the agreements in the Geese Agreement, which pull geese in winter and summer grants peace geese should be reduced. The deputy This summer geese cause damage to agriculture and especially vulnerable nature . (see also: obat burung)

Late last year killed the geese Agreement between natural and agricultural organizations when it appeared that farmers' organization LTO winter rest of geese did not support one of the two essential pillars of the agreement . Spoke on the basis of that agreement, the nature organizations , LTO and the provinces down to let the geese. Winter alone The FBE Overijssel now breaks with this intention and therefore can not count on public support .

" We believe that the agreements in the Geese Agreement should be , with give and take from all parties . An agreement in which a balance between the interests of the birds and the interests of the landowners who suffer harm . We are not fully implemented agreement with a vision that is based only on damage control and their effectiveness , without the natural interest is adequately taken into account , "said Bart de Haan , ecologist in Zwolle at Natuurmonumenten .

In each province, hunters , farmers , private landowners and conservationists together form an FBE , the county advises on wildlife issues such as slope . FBE opinions were unanimous in the rule. In this case . In the present case, the nature organizations are deeply concerned about the fate of the many geese that fly thousands of miles and arrive starving to overwinter in The Netherlands. The Netherlands has also an international obligation . (see also: vitamin burung)

The nature organizations assume that the provinces have the wintering geese in tensile Netherlands alone , as agreed in the original agreement .


Sunday, March 9, 2014

Benefits of Ornamental Plants For Physical And Spiritual Health

In addition to hobbyists and ornaments , there were a few tables of Ornamental Plants Benefits For Physical And Spiritual Health , as I will discuss on this occasion , indirectly owns plants in the house has a lot of incentives tablets , not just a mere hobby , or decorate a page or decorate the room alone , and do not consciously aware , many plants have been fossilized in human life , why , , , ? ? Just read his article to the wrong yah gan , , , and definitely going to see his answers .
(see also: pakan burung)

Ornamental Plants for Health Benefits

rose water hyacinth

1 . Can reduce dust

If we put the plants in the room , it is very useful for health , why , because of the unusual plants help absorb dust that surround it , so that it can minimize disease -related or caused by dust .

2 . Can eliminate sleepiness

Most of the carbon dioxide in a room it can cause headaches , drowsiness and tired , but if there is a plant indoors terssebut hiasa , and the plants will absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen during photosynthesis , and its results will be more oxygen , and can The make sure the room will be refreshed again .

3 . Can relieve stress

By looking at the bright colors , the eye will re -pressed or fresh , especially if we have plants that are flowering , it will certainly make us happy and excited .

4 . Can relieve nasal congestion

There are several types of plants that are able to help reduce or remove phlegm and help launch the respiratory tract such as eucalyptus , the scent of the plant is sucking believe to be launched in the respiratory tract such as nasal congestion .

5 . Pat the skin can

A plant serves as a filter , ie as the air filter is all around us , and its benefits if the air or our environment clean or healthy , meaning all growth of our organs to be healthy too , as on our skin .
(see also: pakan burung kacer)

That's Benefits Ornamental Plants For Physical And Spiritual Health , may be useful and add to our knowledge in matters relating to health .


Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Eating goat, 4.5 meters long python caught residents

Python snake with a length of 4.5 meters was found behind Madrasah Diniyah Awaliyah ( MDA ) Al Hidayah , Bukittinggi , West Sumatra . In fact it took 10 men to capture the snake .
( see also: lomba burung )

" The snake was captured citizens 001/RW RT 001 , Village Puhun Door Kabun , District Koto Mandiangin Selayan , Bukittinggi , around 15:00 pm , " said one local resident , Mardi Wardi Bukittingga City , as reported by Reuters on Sunday ( 2/3 ) .

Mardi adds , seen from the enlarged stomach , the snake was expected to take a pet just citizens . " What animal has just eaten the snake can not be known . So far, there are people who claim to loss of livestock , " he said .

Meanwhile , Naro ( 42 ) , one of 10 people managed to catch the snake said , when the snake did not resist arrest . " Maybe because of the new snake eating so not so wild , " said Naro .

Naro tells , first discovered the snake was one of the people who will look for grass behind MDA Al Hidayah . Because of the large size , and then he asked for the help of residents .

" Because seeing a snake big enough , the residents tell us who will go hunting . Kami, 10 people catch the snake , " he added .

Once captured , the snake was taken to the health center page (Pustu ) Kurimun , Puhun Door Kabun , for safekeeping . " In order not to harm the citizens , the snake 's mouth wrapped in disposable plastic , " he said .

He revealed , only this time find the snake of that size in the area . Provisional estimates snake eating goat citizens . Now , the snake kept in kennels .

" For the time being , the snake put in a dog cage , " he said .
( see also: lomba burung bnr )

He has not decided whether it will be submitted to the snake Zoo Bukittinggi . Until now there has not been a zoo attendant who asked .
