Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Election boost the growth of the Plastics Industry

Elections boosted demand for plastics . According to the Vice Chairman of the Business Development Industry Association Aromatic , Olefin and Plastic ( Inaplas ) Budi Susanto Sadiman , plastic industry can grow above the national economic growth due to the holding of elections .

" The growth of the plastics business growth depends . , But this year may be on it , " Budi said in Jakarta on Wednesday, April 16, 2014 . He continues , when the economy was able to grow 5.6 -5.7 percent , the plastics business can flourish this year up to 7 per cent .
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Growth was driven by one of the plastic food and drink packaging demand during the campaign . If the food and beverage industry to reap a turnover of Rp 20 trillion, while the legislative election campaign , Budi estimated at Rp 600 billion of which are enjoyed by the plastics industry .

In addition to the food and beverage industry backed , plastic business in Indonesia is also driven by the infrastructure, automotive , and agriculture . According to Budi , the agricultural sector in need of plastic as packaging of fertilizers and seeds , polybags for seeding , and container harvest . " This year, hopefully with good weather there can be 2 times the harvest that contributed to the growth of the plastics industry , " said Budi

In 2013 , the plastic needs in Indonesia reached 4 million tons . With the growth of 7 percent , this year the need is estimated at 4.28 million tonnes . This need is expected to continue to rise and reach 7-8 million tons in 2020 .


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